NOTICE to Cancer VICTIMS: If you have recently been diagnosed with or are currently undergoing treatment for Cancer – DR. Kelley’s Self-Test for the Different Metabolic Types IS NOT FOR YOU!. The Self-Test was written and designed as an optimum health book to help PREVENT cancer and other infectious dis-eases. The book Cancer VICTIMS should be ordering is Victory Over Cancer: Without Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiation. Please contact us if you should have any further questions. ~ J.B.
We are the publisher for the Estate of Dr. William Donald Kelley and the College of Metabolic Medicine. No other versions of this book are authorized by the Kelley Estate. We offer ONLY brand new books, unlike other sources who are offering either used copies at inflated prices or are possibly printing out-of-date, unauthorized copies of older versions of the book. ~ J.B.
Dr. Kelley developed his Self-Test for the Different Metabolic Types in the 1960′s to help bridge the gap of research to practical application. He realized that the overall state of health of this nation could no longer be maintained acceptable unless the nutritional needs of the people were brought into immediate and sharp focus. No one (doctor or patient) knows what a well-balanced meal is. Doctors have not been trained along these disciplines, nor do they have the time or inclination to educate themselves in these areas.
As was typical, the rest of the world stood around – experimenting – while Dr. Kelley endeavored to always move forth with the One True answer to cancer and many other degenerative dis-eases. While in the early part of this century, many claim to have the answers to Metabolic Typing, it was in fact Dr. Kelley who advanced the science to this level. He was the modern day pioneer in the field. -ᅠ Editor
In order to make the most efficient use of research data, it must be related and applied directly to each individual to meet his specific needs. The problem then arises as to which data is significant for each patient. Dr. Kelley had to develop a system to accomplish this. It was decided that the most practical system would be an extensive questionnaire: Dr. Kelley’s Self-Test for the Different Metabolic Types. The test is bound in a book that contains hundreds of health questions. It includes complete instructions so you can score the results yourself (the results are compiled on an as-you-go basis during the completion of the questionnaire).
Taking the time (it takes a few hours) to complete the questionnaire will tell you whether you are a meat-eater, a vegetarian, or have a balanced metabolism. It will tell you which types of meats, fruits, and vegetables you should eat. Furthermore, it will tell you what supplements you should take, and, perhaps even more important, which you should avoid.
When you complete the questionnaire and follow the directions at the end of the book for scoring your answers, you will know where your body, at the present time, is functioning. There are three main metabolic types (Vegetarian, Carnivore and Balanced), and a number of sub-types (three in Vegetarian, three in Carnivore and four in Balanced). Each person will know exactly which of the three main types they are functioning in and also which sub-type.
After one follows the nutritional guidelines at the back of the questionnaire for their metabolic type for a few weeks or months they will want to take the Self-Test again to determine if their metabolism has switched to another type. Everyone should recheck their metabolic type every six months to a year, because it can change. If and when it does, one’s diet and supplemental program will have to be changed accordingly.
As one improves their blood chemistry, it’s possible for their nervous system to go into balance – giving them a balanced metabolism. This can take years, or it may never happen. However, I wouldn’t worry about it if it doesn’t happen. As long as you’re healthy and functioning normally – that’s what counts. ~ W.D.K., D.D.S., M.S.
Diet – Schmiet! For those who truly want to understand their body’s needs and start on your pathway to Health! This book is a must for everyone – whether they have ever been diagnosed with cancer or not. The bible of Metabolic Typing, as stated by the prestigious Price-Pottenger Institute, “…is the greatest advancement in metabolic typing in 150 years.”
The self-test itself will take an average person four to five hours to complete – and when finished, you’ll know more about your body’s needs than your own doctor – and the book has been designed to be used numerous times as your optimum health improves.
UPDATE: As of June 28 – we found this book being offered on Amazon for between $97.95 and $257.30 per copy – most of them used – and some being obvious illegal reprints. Once again – we are seeing major swings in prices by numerous jayhawkers. DO NOT BE TAKEN TO THE CLEANERS.
We are the authorized source for the works of Dr. William D. Kelley, and as of late 2013, became the publishing house with a NEWLY REVISED, EXPANDED and UPDATED version of this internationally acclaimed book. Nothing has been omitted from the book, only expanded with additional supplemental support, as written by Dr. Kelley…
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