Author Archives: admin

New Information on Nitric Oxide

 L. Ignarro helped to establish the importance of nitric oxide in the cardio vascular system. (Photo by Alberto Pizzoli/Sygma/Sygma via Getty Images)

Several months ago I wrote about nitric oxide (NO). I mentioned Louis Ignarro, one of the three people that got a Nobel prize for their discovery of Nitric oxide, where it is produced in the body, and what it does. Louis Ignarro calls it “the Miracle Molecule,” because it does so many great extremely important things in the body.

Louis Ignarro’s history is a remarkable and incredible story. Both of his parents were born in Italy. They had no education. His father could not even read but was a great carpenter. They moved to America and Louis was born in Brooklyn in 1941. Continue reading

The Gonzalez Therapy and Cancer

A young Dr. Gonzalez with his mentor… Dr. William D. Kelley

In 1981, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez began researching the use of pancreatic proteolytic enzyme therapy as a treatment for cancer (Gonzalez and Isaacs, 1999). He conducted an intensive retrospective review of 1306 patients who had been treated over a 20-year period by Dr. Kelley who used enzyme therapy, diet and nutritional support. This study included a review of pancreatic cancer patients, some of whom survived in excess of 5 years (unpublished).

Gonzalez concluded, “A study such as mine cannot, of course, prove conclusively that Kelley’s treatment cures cancer, since the patients who were evaluated were not treated under controlled conditions. Nevertheless, significant number of patients with appropriate diagnosed terminal cancer enjoyed impressive regressions of the disease while on the Kelley regimen. This finding alone warrants a full, fair and unbiased investigation of Kelley’s methods.” Continue reading


A powerful, radiation-emitting #5G antenna being installed outside of a residential home in Venice Beach, California. The resident pleaded with #Verizon to move the tower somewhere less intrusive. Verizon ignored her. ~ Americans for Responsible Technology

Osmosis, Body Cell Function, and Disease

We have 200 trillion cells in our bodies. Each cell is an entity in itself. Different types of cells perform different functions. Each cell wants to perform at 100 percent. How would you like to be the boss of 100 trillion little workers and have to feed them to keep them healthy? You may not realize it, but you are the boss of these little workers. You are very lucky that you do not have to tell each one of them what their duties are. You are also very lucky that you do not have to individually nurse each one of these little critters each time they get ill. But yes, you do have to do that. What makes it unique and easier is that you feed each of the 100 trillion cells the same nutrients and minerals most of the time. In most cases, it will perform its duties by itself, without any instructions from you. That saves you hundreds of hours of labor. Continue reading

UMass Memorial hospital fires 200 unvaccinated employees when they should be HIRING those with natural immunity… an engineered collapse of the health care system

Hundreds of employees at UMass Memorial Health in Massachusetts have been let go from their jobs for refusing to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Back in the summer, the far-left hospital announced that all employees would need to get injected by November 1 or else be terminated on December 1. Two-hundred of them stood their ground and are now out of a job. The corrupt hospital system currently employs 15,000 people, which means “herd immunity” should have been reached with a 99 percent compliance rate. However, UMass decided that a 100 percent compliance rate was needed in order to successfully “flatten the curve.” Continue reading

Top 11 Ways to AVOID Cancer

Doctors say cancer cells are smart, and can target vital organs, take them over, and shut down your life. Cancer is a disorder of the cells, where they mutate and multiply uncontrollably. It’s very common in America, but doctors and oncologists are clueless when it comes to beating cancer. They use chemicals, surgery and radiation, usually to no avail, to stave off the inevitable just a few years. Yet, cancer barely even existed in America 100 years ago, so how is this lethal serial killer that attacks one in every three Americans, and kills half of those, able to hone in on vital cleansing organs and take people out like flies? Continue reading

The Vaccine-Cancer Atrocity

Like clockwork, most vaccinated Americans will lose immune function by Christmas and start growing accelerated CANCER tumors that will kill them over the next ten years

The elephant in the room with covid vaccines is not merely that they are erasing the immune systems of those who take the jabs, but that the destruction of immune function will lead to an unprecedented acceleration in cancer tumor growth that will overwhelm the medical system and kill tens of millions over the next decade.

The vaccine holocaust, it seems, is going to be felt as a “cancer tsunami” that will somehow be blamed on everything else except vaccines. Continue reading

Vitamin D: Government Should Have Promoted to Combat Pandemic

Medical evidence strongly justifies a proactive approach for using vitamin D

There seems to be an endless refusal by the public health establishment to fight the pandemic with the best science-based tools. Instead, they keep pushing vaccines.

Great German research provides unequivocal medical evidence that the government should be strongly advocating two actions: 1. Take vitamin D supplements and 2. Have your blood tested for vitamin D. Continue reading

Could Alzheimer’s Disease be Related to Candida Albicans Yeast/Fungus?

The following discussion about Alzheimer’s disease and Candida Albicans has been formulated from numerous publications and articles in my disease files. If there is no connection between Alzheimer’s disease and Candida Albicans, there is enough evidence to show that both diseases are diet-related and it takes twenty to thirty years for both diseases to show their debilitating effects. The toxins from Candida are a factor, even they may be only related along with other disease factors. Continue reading

One of the Secrets to Living a Long, Healthy Life, Oxygen

I was going to start today by asking “What is Oxygen and how does it help the human body?

After considerable thought, I decided to ask, “Do you know how many forms of oxygen there are?” What might be your answer? The real answer is that there are more than six forms of oxygen that are a great help to the human body.

One. Regular Oxygen (with nitrogen) that you breathe. Continue reading

The Incredible Bioelectric Brain

Researchers have dubbed the episodes ‘silent seizures’ because they don’t cause convulsions and aren’t detected by normal brain scans

Your brain is more valuable than the original painting of Mono Lisa. It is by far more complex than the largest computer in the world, or the panel on an electric atomic power plant. It is so powerful that it controls and navigates you throughout your whole life.

A person cannot put a value on thinking and thinking skills. Lets us start by asking. What is thinking? Thinking is a unique, silent, selective, non-material, low energetic, electromagnetic process in which a person dreams, reasons, calculates, evaluates, perceives, receives senses, conserves, remembers, conceptualizes, organizes, disorganizes, creates, and exercises the future of their lives. Continue reading

Welcome to the Farmacy

Only you are in charge of your heath. People need to eat correctly, Exercise and take all natural non GMO, non synthetic vitamins. Most think there is a magic pill for everything WRONG ! You and you only are responsible for your health. You are what you eat. I grow heirloom non GMO organic, I never use poison sprays and only use organic fertilizer. ~ Edwin Caudill

The Hippocratic Oath And Medical Ethics Versus COVID Mandates

I am not a medical professional and am wholly unqualified to give medical advice. I can, nonetheless, reason and observe. It is my belief that people of good will, interacting with one another in good faith, will not be prone to cause one another harm.

Sadly, our elected government, with its appointed institutions and agencies cannot be deemed to be acting in either good will or good faith with We the People. Instead, we are witnessing only their desire to “mandate” what our behavior and our care should be in the battle to manage an endemic SARS-CoV-2 virus and its inevitable mutations.

These people who deign to be our rulers and betters have lost their way. They have completely decoupled themselves from constitutional government and the sound medical ethic to “do no harm.” Continue reading